Got a question? It may already have been answered below. If not, please get in-touch by sending us a message.


Where do you ship to?

We ship worldwide!

How long does shipping take?

Shipping times generally take between 5-14 business days. Please find out more about our
shipping policy here.

How do I track my order?

Once your order has been fulfilled you will be emailed a tracking number and link to get updates and track your order. Please note the courier can take 24-48 hours to update their tracking system. If the item shows it is still pending please check back in a day or two for updated tracking and delivery information.

How much is shipping?

Shipping has a flat fee of $9.95 AUD and free when you spend over $120 AUD.

How long does processing and handling take?

Our processing and
handling times are generally 3-5 business days but can be longer in sale periods. We always endeavour to get your order to you as soon as possible so you can’t start enjoying your items right away.


How do I return an item?

Please contact us if you need to return your items. Please email us with the order number and a reason for your return. We will email you with return instructions. Thank you.

How long does it take to process my return?

Generally returns can take 5-10 business days to process after we recieve the item back. Please send all return back with tracking.

Can I make exchanges?

Yes you can exchange your items. Please contact us for exchange and return instructions.

Does my order come with a guarantee?

Yes because if your not happy were not happy! Your order comes with a 30 day money back guaranatee. Please contact us for return instructions. Thank you.

About Little Luxe Bubbas

How can I contact Little Luxe Bubbas?

You can email us at if you have any questions or need assistance with your order and we will get back to you as soon we can.

Where is Little Bubbas Based? 

Our head office is based right here in Brisbane, Queensland Australia.